ESG & Sustainability Reporting

We can help to automate your ESG reporting, planning and analysis processes, ensuring you are always compliant with rapidly changing ESG regulatory requirements whilst empowering your team with the tools to create and develop ESG strategies.


Benefits of an ESG &
Sustainability Reporting solution

Satisfy internal and external requirements
  • Comply with IFRS Sustainability standards; TCFD, EU Taxonomy, CSRD, GHG Reporting and other emerging standards and frameworks.
  • Out of the box solution with built-in calculations, standard reports and standard KPIs.
  • Customisable solution allowing for your specific data collection and reporting requirements e.g. custom KPI reporting.
Enhance data integrity and assurance
  • Automate data collection from multiple sources as ESG data is spread across the value chain.
  • Centralise financial, non-financial and ESG data to achieve consistent reporting single trusted data source.
  • Enrich data to drive calculations to report in various metrics.
Promote collaboration with an integrated process
  • Provide the tools to analyse and plan considering your ESG impact, identifying risks and driving performance.
  • Workflow and process oversight enabling the contribution from the entire organisation.
  • Conduct climate scenario analysis mandated by ESG frameworks.
Enable faster reporting
  • Create disclosures using pre-defined templates.
  • Combine narrative with numbers through dynamic Microsoft Office integration, enabling automatic preparation of regulatory reports and board packs.
  • Flexible drag and drop web-based reporting to quickly retrieve data for increased analysis.
Take the first step
Connect with us to explore how we can help transform your finance function today!
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